Field Trip Report:

Gray Fossil Museum
Gray, Tennessee
January 31st, 2009

One of the rhino skulls found at the site.

Top: Some of the first fossils found at the site. When this site was first discovered it was believed to be a Pleistocene site dating 1.8 mya to 10,000 years. Later the discovery of the Miocene alligator skull (bottom pic) dated the site to over 5 million years!

Another Miocene skull found at the site.

Above is a pic of the Miocene alligator skull I found in Florida a couple of years ago. It is very similar to the ones found at the Gray site.

This site has produced some of the best preserved Red Panda fossils in the world.

The museum gift shop also has some great literature for you to buy!

It was great fun visiting the museum. It is cool to know that fossils like these are right in our own back yard.

See you on the next trip.

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